Thursday, October 7, 2010

Choose to Laugh

We've all been there. A day, a situation, a happening so overwhelmingly bizarre you can't help but wonder, should I laugh or should I cry? A moment when you find yourself caught in that place where your emotions have the ability to take you towards either response. For your entertainment, let me provide an example.

We have two sizable dogs, a Weimaraner named Lucky and a Silver Labrador named Cooper. Both dogs are tremendous assets to our crazy family and we love the activity, companionship and entertainment they provide. But of course, some days are better than others. Shortly after acquiring a new dog bed for Cooper (he ate the last one, his punishment = weeks of waiting for a new one), we all left home for a Friday night football game. The dogs and the new bed went into the laundry room and we were off to what turned out to be our first Varsity Football victory of the season. Hip hip hurray! We returned home a few hours later in delightful spirits with friends in tow for some euchre and celebration. Little did we know, the dogs had been having a celebratory evening as well as the kids immediately discovered dozens (okay, hundreds!) of little white foamy balls coming out from under the laundry room door. Being wise (and scared) children, they waited for me to open the dreaded door. With bated breath, I opened the door to an outpouring of more little white foamy balls. Clearly there had been a dog bed explosion! There were little white foamy balls stuck to the walls, covering the floor and under the washer and refrigerator. Nevermind the ones stuck to the dogs as they bolted in little white foamy ball terror!

At that moment, I can honestly say, my first tendency really was anger (that !@&$ dog ate another bed!) and tears. BUT we had won the game! We had friends over to play cards and celebrate! And, I was pretty certain that no amount of anger or tears was going to suck all those little white foamy balls back into that dog bed. So, after a few deep breaths, I laughed. And the best part was that everyone else did too. And really that's what makes laughter, when possible, the best option available. Laughter is the best medicine. Laughter is contagious. Laughter is like a mini vacation. In truth, I'd say laughter is one of the little things that makes life worth living.

What can you find to laugh at today? Besides the fact that it will make you feel better, I know your family and friends will love you all the more for it!

1 comment:

  1. I thought euchre was a Michigan thing ;)

    I often have to try hard not to laugh at my daughter's antics so she won't repeat them! But you're right - it's a lot better to find the humor than to expend energy uselessly being mad!
