Monday, September 27, 2010

YOU Matter!

Recently I read a little book called "The Butterfly Effect" by Andy Andrews. I enjoyed this book for several reasons, most notably because it took me less than 30 minutes to read, but has caused me to consider its message for many days since. In the chaos of life, I appreciate books, movies and media that make me pause and think a bit.

In all of the busyness of our days, I occasionally find myself going through the motions. Have you ever caught yourself doing the same? I have questioned whether or not my presence at a meeting really matters, if I really need to finish that book, write that email or have that phone conversation. I have wondered if my family notices that the laundry has been done or that there's a healthy meal on the table. Have you ever asked the question, does it really matter? Do I really matter?

While I don't want to give the message of the book away completely, its meaning is clear. YOU matter! YOU make a difference! This insightful little book illustrates that each of us can make a difference in small ways. And those small things can lead to big and meaningful changes in the lives around us AND the world. And that's the coolest part of the whole concept! It's also the same idea that has prompted me to think about what I do each day and how it can impact the lives of those around me.

If you get a chance, give "The Butterfly Effect" by Andy Andrews a quick read. I hope you find it worth your time and it makes you feel great about YOU! And if nothing else, it's just a nice little reminder of how much you matter to those around you and to the world.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Angi! You have no idea how timely this post is! Might have to check out this book yet today!
