Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Find a Little Joy!

How are you approaching today? Ready and raring to go, or wishing you could crawl right back into bed? Isn't it funny how someday's just have their own energy that propels you through them and other days seem to just suck the life right out of you? How does that happen?

Yesterday my "to do" list was long. Filled with menial tasks like dishes & laundry, phone calls & meetings, shuttling kids and a doctors appointment. It was a day that I woke up wishing was over before it had even gotten started. Somebody smack me! That's NO way to go through life.

Sometimes we get so focused on our "to dos" that we drag through the day checking off our tasks, but missing the world around us, while there are many little joys we could find along the way. Maybe it's a song on the radio that we love or taking a time out to flip through a favorite magazine while in the waiting room. Maybe it's a Starbucks fix on your way to/from a practice with a child or quality time helping somebody with their homework (so long as it's not Algebra!). What little joys can be found along your way today?

I hope your day holds many little joys and that you will share one or two with me and the readers here at Excellence Through Action. Let's find some little joys in every day...and let's use that energy to propel us to wherever it is we need/want to go!

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